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    Monday, 13 January 2020

    How to use evil eye protection or anti evil eye

    January 13, 2020 - By peter jackson0

    People often ask what are the symptoms of how the eyesight is seen. It is considered a very big flaw when a person wishes someone by looking at his progress or progress and sees everything in his eyes with a bad eye. If you say it wrong, it can be seen that many times it has been seen that good business is stopped suddenly due to the sight, many problems start to happen, it is called bad eyesight. So that older children take this bad eye on everyone, children fall ill. If you are facing this problem, then you can do your own work right from home, women believe that children are bad The eyesight starts very early due to which the child stops drinking milk and stops playing, which is good for the child, if later he starts falling ill, then his direct attention is towards the evil eye Fis!
    It often comes to your notice that business is not running, there are many obstacles in the house, if there is no good in the family, then all of them are directly related to the sight of the planet. If the planet's condition of the person is not right, then its weak planet creates many obstacles.
    This is always due to the presence of a ghost or a witch. This obstacle is also made by someone else. The curses of a person's previous birth are very troublesome, which we can get relief from by taking remedies but nowadays People do not know the right solution for them, if they troubleshoot them properly then all their problems can be solved.
    To stay away from the disease, remove the lemon, prick a needle in it and cross it and place it on the place of worship and throw it to dry. If any disease is not removed, then take out a pot from the cots of the people on the patient's head. Touching it to the feet, wash it well in mustard oil and burn it evenly and then burn it to ashes.
    Symptoms of an eye defect, The sighted person does not feel like doing anything. He is always restless and frustrated, despite being sick, he is relaxed, his mental state is not right. Children start crying again and again due to not being able to express their wishes There are working people forget their work, that is why there can be many symptoms of eye defects

    On scientific basis
    Sometimes our rooms are closed and in such a situation our body is not able to accept heavy caria, it does not feel the wind, cold and heat, after the closure of the follicles, the body temperature of the person remains adjusted to the betterment. And is unable to read its effect on the heavy environment, it causes the balance of the five elements in the body to deteriorate and the amount of iron in the body increases if iron tube wells It tries to get out of the eyes due to the non-release of which the lower eyelid is swollen or corrected. Closed follicles are removed by many methods to open the follicles. Everything in the world has attractive power so that each environment has its own power. Something keeps on getting something, for example, after filling mustard oil in any vessel and leaving it in the open, we will see what the atmosphere looks like. After that, many small guns are stuck on that oil and who are affected by the attractiveness of the oil. Like oil, lemon and red chilli and camphor alum peacock feathers and other such things have their own charms. Which are used in eye sighting, it is clear that eyesight has its own scientific basis.
    Evil eye protection
    Should take the dried fruit off the barfi and feed it to the dog on Monday from the barfi, take the little cardamom in it and go back home by lighting incense lights under a peepal tree and go back home. Do not look back while going back, wash your hands and feet, rinse and work
    Neem leaf fumigation etc. is used to remove or remove eyesight, and it consists of boondi laddoo, timber barfi, bitter oiled and boiled rice, bad rye, salt, black mustard, yellow mustard, henna, black, and so on. Even the eyes of any person falling on the person can suppress his life. As soon as the symptoms of eye defect are seen, then by using simple and easy remedies, he can be absolved. is

    About the Author

    Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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